Phone Stands | Itestbox S200 Multifunctional Intelligent Screen Tester Iphone 6 Flex

Phone Stands |  Itestbox S200 Multifunctional Intelligent Screen Tester Iphone 6 Flex Phone Stands Phone Stands

Phone Stands | Itestbox S200 Multifunctional Intelligent Screen Tester Iphone 6 Flex

Original price was: $92.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Description Easy to use, solidly built. One device for batch testing the iPhone range without the need of a motherboard for each model. Part: Replacement flex cable only Compatibility: iPho…

SKU: Q.8673/VC17976 Category: Tag:


Easy to use, solidly built. One device for batch testing the iPhone range without the need of a motherboard for each model. Part: Replacement flex cable only Compatibility: iPhone 6 Features of the iTestBox S200: Compatible with the iPhone 6 upto the iPhone 12 Pro Max Testing board are interchangeable and replaceable Instant testing, no loading – allowing several screen images and colours to display Tests complete touch screen function Tests 3D Touch function Repairs true tone Test both the display and the touch properties Built in battery Warranty: 12 Months iTestBox S200 sold separately.


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